Why one more ministry

A famine for hearing the Word of the Lord

We believe the Bible, in it's original language, is the inerrant Word and Truth of God and that there is a distressing lack of Biblical literacy in today's world.  We want to awaken hunger and inspire people to go deep and discover what God has to say for themselves through His Word and with His Spirit, and not settle for or be fooled by sound bites, motivational speakers, cute slogans, whatever is currently "pc", or the latest best seller.

Priesthood of all Believers

We believe God has called each one us, right where we are, to be His priests and His partners in all aspects of Kingdom life. The everyday person can and should be doing the everyday works of God wherever their every day is. At school, at work, on vacation, while shopping, in every arena we want to see people equipped and released to pray and see healing, to teach and see impact, to extend the Love of God in every situation, to hear from God and speak His Word in season and out, wherever, whenever, whoever God leads.  He is the vine, we are the branches and He has appointed every single one of us to bear fruit.  In God's economy there is no secular vs sacred.  All of life is sacred and all His children can be His partners in whatever sphere of influence He gives them.

"...the standard of maturity set by the Messiah's perfection"

Too many people never seem to grow past infancy in Christ.  You may even be filled with the Spirit and move in powerful gifts, but without maturity so much damage is done. Our heart's desire is to see effective discipleship producing ever increasing maturity in everyone who has called upon the name of the Lord for salvation.  Obviously, we won't make a difference for everyone, but for every one that God has privileged us to be a part of their journey, every one we've been able to help grab hold of God's Hand and walk in the salvation, deliverance, purpose and plan they are made for, for every one we've reached and every one we will, it's all worth it.